Sunday, October 7, 2012


I am officially 30 years old as of yesterday! I am a mess of mixed emotions! I feel grateful and blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life and I look at what I have accomplished this far and I am even more pleased. I have a good husband who no doubt tries my patience, frustrates me, and drives me crazy but he also loves me unconditionally and works very hard to provide for our family. We have hit a rocky patch a time or two but neither of us is ready to give up on what we know is true love. God works in mysterious ways and although I have found myself questioning his motives some times, I am rest assured by the belief that if I trust in him he will not misguide me. I have an amazing, healthy, happy, beautiful, and comical little girl that is no doubt the very best thing that has ever happened in my life. She is my joy, my laughter, and my reasoning for doing anything I do in life. We have a beautiful and cuddly golden retriever who is one of the best friends anyone could ever have even if she does leave you full of dog hair all over your clothes. We have made ourselves a wonderful home too. We live in a quiet subdivision with good neighbors (from what we know anyways) and appears to be a great school system and environment to raise our child or children.
Although our families are a ways away, they still are here for us and are blessing to have too. Our friends who are also a ways away are the best friends we could ask for and we miss both our friends and family very much.
I will be blunt and honest and say that I am scared that I didn't make some of the right decisions along the way to this point in my life. Should I have gone back and finished college? Did I make the right career choices? Is the option of change really on the table? Have I loved the way in my heart I know I can love? Am I being selfish too many times? Could I have tried harder at things?
I am angry at myself for not pushing myself harder to do the things I want to do in life. The things that not only bring me happiness but also bring life to my soul like my charity work and being with my daughter. I love working with and being around woman. I feel inspired. I feel like woman put themselves last and yet are the most powerful people on this planet. Woman have drive and passion. And let me stop myself right there and say that I don't think men lack these things but they are for sure wired different. Priorities are different.
As a woman in my (gulp) 30's I would like to start to laugh more, live more, stress less, love more deeply, and apply myself for all that I know I can be as a woman and as a person. This year will bring lots of changes. And hopefully will be the year I truly find and become the person I know I want to be.
To quote my beautiful and inspirational Mary Kay director, " Lots of love and tons of belief".......
                                                                                      This 30 year old lady named Theresa

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